Easter Friday Procession
San Fernando, Pampanga, Philippines
Schneider, Andreas. 2009. "The Rhythm of the Whip." Social Psychology Quarterly. 72,4: 285-289.
Here is the titelpage of SPQ:
![Illustrative Image of SPQ Titlepage](SPQ-2009-title.jpg)
Elite Police Unit looking in Awe at the Procession of Flagellants (2008):
![Elite Police Unit looking in Awe at the Procession of Flagellants (2008)](flagellant.org.jpg)
Flagellants at their Procession
![Flagellants walking in file](DSC_0142_resize.jpg)
The Main Attraction: Crucifixions
Easter 2008:
Easter 2016: the tradition continues
Image Dr. Schneider 2016